Biography Helen Leola Fernandez, Safford passed away Saturday, February 1, 2014. She was 46 years old. Helen was born July 1, 1967 in Winnemucca, Nevada to Ernest and Peggy Swindlehurst Schrader. She was the middle child of five siblings, Mona, Joseph, Patricia and Victor. Helen lived in Winnemucca with her oldest child, Taylor Tapia, until she met Buddy Montgomery in the late 1980s and then moved to Globe, Arizona, Buddys hometown. Together, they had three children, Jacob, Jordan and Jeremy and were also raising Buddys three children, Sallymae, Amanda and Joseph, for a grand total of seven. After their divorce some 15 years ago, Helen moved to Safford where her mother, Peggy Vick resides. She met and married James Fernandez. They were residing with Taylor (AJ) Schrader, Helens daughter, and her granddaughter, Triniti. A Memorial Service will be conducted Thursday, February 6, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. at the Solomon LDS Chapel in Solomon.